Valeria Giordani


She works as a journalist in Ravenna since 1989. Her article was a finalist at national award “Guidarello" for author journalism, 2002 edition, Saggistica sulla romagna (Essays about Romagna). 
She wrote the volume Le pievi dell’esarcato (The parishes esarcate), published by the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna in 2000. She has worked for the volumes: Immagini per un decennio (Pictures for a decade), Longo, 2001, sponsored by the Emilia-Romagna of Journalists Order; Il porto di Ravenna (The port of Ravenna), Adriapress, 2002; I gioielli del delta del Po  (Jewellery of the delta of the Po) published by the Society for Studies Nature of Romagna, 2003.


E-mail address
[email protected]