Veber Gulinelli

Veber Gulinelli           

Veber Gulinelli was born in San Pietro in Elda (Modena) in 1930. Farmer's son, after the primary school, he attends the Technical Institute F. Corni in Modena in 1950 and gets his diploma of Expert Industrial Mechanic Technician.


Up to 1957 he is a teacher in technical matters at a school in Carpi (MO) for qualified technicians. Since 1958 he works as a designer first and then manufacturer of tooling machineries.


He approaches the humanitarian culture by chance when presented by a dealer of antiques in Modena some 20 copper and mixture coins of the Este, from Cesare the Duke of Modena till Duke Francesco 3rd, ranging from the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century.


In “complete darkness” in the history of the Dukes of Este, he begins extensive and detailed studies through the publications of Girolamo Tiraboschi, of Ludovico Antonio Muratori and the many others in that specific  subject. At the same time he begins researching in the historical archives of the village where he lives, San Felice sul Panaro (MO). Married since 1957, he has four children.


Since 1966 he is member of the Deputation of National History of the Ancient provinces of Modena and is one of the founders, in 1982,  of the Study Group of northern Modena district and, in 1974, he is one of the founders of the Archaeological Museum of San Felice sul Panaro associated with Emilia Prehistoric Studies Centre.


In 2011 he edited the book  Delle carte da Gioco Italiane. Storia e Diletto (About Italian Cards Game. History and Enjoyment) which provides unpublished informations and documents on tarot history. 

Pubblications (Available only in Italian language)

Strade ferrate e opere collegate nel territorio del Comune di San Felice s/P. 1868 - 1988 (Railways and related works in the territory of the Municipality of San Felice Sul Panaro 1868-1988), 1988

La Fiera di San Felice s/P. dal 1614 ai nostri giorni
(The Fair of San Felice Sul Panaro from 1614 till today), 1990

Il Castello di San Felice s/P e le fosse del Castello
(The castle of San Felice Sul Panaro  and the pits of the Castle), 1994

I teatri di San Felice s/P
(The Theatres of San Felice Sul Panaro), 1994

L’ufficio postale di San Felice s/P  
(The post office in San Felice Sul Panaro), 1995

Odissea di un aereo e del suo equipaggio nel Dicembre 1944 nella bassa modenese
(Odyssey of an airplane and its crew in December 1944 in the northern Modena district), 1996

Ebrei popolo di emigranti - La Comunità di San Felice s/P. Ebrei e Razzismo
(Jews a people of emigrants - The Community of San Felice Sul Panaro - Jews and Racism), 1997

Caccia e ambiente nella bassa modenese dal XV al XX secolo
(Hunting and ambient in northern Modena district from XV till XX Century), 1999

Un mulino ad acqua antico nella bassa  modenese la sua strada e la sua chiesa
(An old water mill in the northern Modena district, its road and its church), 1999

Un Mulino ed altri opifici nella corte di Camurana del Cinquecento
(A Mill and other workshops in the court of Camurano of the sixteenth century), 2000

Labrusca, ambrusca, lambrusco. Antico buon vino modenese
(Labrusca, ambrusca, Lambrusco. Old good Modena wine ), 2003

Il Feudo e lo stemma della Comunità di San Felice s/P dal XIV al XX secolo
 (The crest and the Feud of the Community of San Felice Sul Panaro from the fourteenth to the twentieth century), 2003

Storia della carta vegetale fatta a mano. Cartiere cartee filigrane, di Modena e provincia Secolo XIII - XIX
(History of vegetal handmade paper. Paper mills, paper and watermarks in Modena and its province – Century XIII - XIX), 2004

 Guerra mondiale.  Le 65 incursioni aeree e il primo dopoguerra a S. Felice s/P (2nd World War. The 65 air raids and the postwar in San Felice Sul Panaro), 2005

Dei primordi del castello, della sala Longobarda e della chiesa di s. Pietro de Sala in San Felice s/P
(The early period of the castle, the Longobard “Sala” and the church of St. Pietro in Sala in San Felice sul Panaro), 2008

Il Palazzo e la Villa-Granaio del Vescovo di Modena in San Felice sul Panaro
(MO) (The Palace and Barn-Villa of the Modena Bishop in San Felice sul Panaro-  MO), 2009

Degli artigiani dei commercianti ed altre notizie storiche della Comunità di San Felice s/P. dal Quattrocento ai primi del Novecento
(The artisans, the merchants and other historical news of the Community of San Felice Sul Panaro from the Fifteenth to the early twentieth century), 2010

Delle carte da Gioco Italiane. Storia e Diletto (About Italian Cards Game. History and Enjoyment), 2011


E-mail address
[email protected]

+ 39. 0535. 81327